Ethics for 4IR

AI, IoT, and Robotics

A space for discussion

Inspired by Morten Rand-Hendrikson, I have started to look into what philosophers thinks about ethics and pick up my dust-covered books from my Engineering Ethics Class. Long story short, philosophers from different schools of thoughts have not reached consensus on the best methodology to ensure ethics. Nonetheless, practical design-methodologies are being employed in industries when developing tech products.

4IR: The Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is redefining the world. In the coming decades, advancements in physical, digital, and biological technologies will impact the nature of our global economy, politics, society, and even our individual identities, moralities, and ethics (Schwab 2017).

Why Ethics?

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that focuses on how one should behave in a way that is considered morally correct or good. It is a concept that has fascinated great thinkers for more than 2,000 years. After all, what makes something "good" or "bad"? Arguably, such philosophy is readily applicable to our daily lives (Boone 2017).

Ancient Greek Philosophers

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are the three key figures in Ancient Greek Philosophy, a school that formed the backbone of modern society, especially in Europe and the Americas

  • Socrates - Created the fundamental framework and methods for philosophy and ethics.
  • Plato - As Socrates' student, formed the first higher learning institutions in the region, the Academy. He conceptualized the theory of forms, exploring how one can live a fulfilling life in a dynamic, material world.
  • Aristotle - As Plato's student, dealt with theories of universals.

Their historical order can be remembered by their initials, "SPA".

Four Schools of Thought

Capability Approach, Consequentialism, Virtue Ethics, and Duty Ethics.

Understanding Ethical Problems


Ethics vs. Morality

Coming soon.

Ethics (Moral Theory) is a subcategory of philosophy. It can be further divided into three parts: Meta Ethics, Normative Ethics, and Applied Ethics.

A Brief History of Ethical Thought

Coming soon.

Meta Ethics

  • Moral Realism
  • Moral Irrealism
  • Moral Naturalism
  • Nonnaturalism

Ethical Theories (Normative Ethics within Moral Theory)

  • Capabilities
    • Dystopian Approach: What's the worst that could happen?
  • Consequentialism: Utilitarianism
    • Emphasis on societal, not individual, benefits
      • Act Utilitarian: focuses on the consequences of actions
      • Rule Utilitarian: focuses on the rules that result in maximum good, when followed universally.
    • Application of utilitarianism principle: Cost- Benefit Analysis
      • Costs and Benefits not always easily assessed
      • Similar to Risk-Benefit Analysis
  • Rights and Duties Ethics (Deontology)
    • Divine Command Theory
    • Kantian Ethics
    • People have certain rights, and as such ...
    • People have a duty to respect these rights.
    • Focus of both theories is on personal rights and duties
      • Do not (always) agree with Utilitarianism
      • Does not account for societal benefits
  • Virtue Ethics
    • Good actions (virtues) good character traits: Responsibility, honesty, competence, loyalty, trustworthiness, fairness, citizenship, and respect.
    • Bad actions (vices) bad character traits: Dishonesty, disloyalty, irresponsibility, or incompetence
    • Theories similar to virtue ethics
      • Golden rule: Universalizability and reversibility
      • Self-defeating approach

Applied Ethics

Robot Ethics: aka Roboethics.



Morten Rand-Hendrikson: The Ethics of Web Design - WordCamp Europe 2018


Boone, Brian. Ethics 101: From Altruism and Utilitarianism to Bioethics and Political Ethics, an Exploration of the Concepts of Right and Wrong. Adams Media, 2017.

Fleddermann, Charles B., Engineering Ethics, Fourth Edition. 2012.

Klaus Schwab, The fourth industrial revolution. Currency, 2017.

YouTube Channel: CrashCourse

Philosophy 9. Fundamentals of Ethics

Philosophy 10. Applying Ethics to Modern Society

Philosophy 11. What is Good Life?